Service | Fee |
Abandoned Property | $50.00 |
Attachment | $50.00 |
Check Printing | Varies |
Collection Fees: U. S. Funds | No Charge |
Collection Fees: Canadian Check (Canadian Funds) | Varies |
Collection Fees: Other Items | Varies |
Foreign Currency (Purchase or Sale) | Varies |
Lost Passbook Affidavit | $4.00 |
Bank Checks: Under $999 | $3.00 |
Bank Checks: $1,000 and up | $5.00 |
Overdraft and Insufficient Funds: | |
Fees may be imposed for transactions created by checks, in-person withdrawals, ATM withdrawals or by any other electronic means, whether paid or unpaid. | |
> Overdraft Charge (OD) – Items Paid (per item) | $30.00* |
> Insufficient Funds Charge – Items Returned Unpaid (per transaction) | $30.00* |
Research Per Hour (1 hour minimum) | $50.00 |
Returned Deposit Item | $8.00 |
Returned Loan Payment Item | $30.00 |
OD Protection Transfer Fee | $2.00 |
Stop Payment Request (per check or ACH** transaction) | $25.00 |
Tax Levy | $75.00 |
Paper Statement Copy | $4.00 |
Replacement Debit Card | $10.00 |
Domestic Wire Transfers: Incoming | $15.00 |
Domestic Wire Transfers: Outgoing | $25.00 |
International Wire Transfers: Incoming | $15.00 |
International Wire Transfers: Outgoing | $40.00 |
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) | |
IRA Withdrawal Transfer | $25.00 |
Annual IRA Fee | $25.00 |
Medallion Signature Guarantee | No Charge |
*Fees may be imposed for transactions created by checks, in-person withdrawals, ATM withdrawals or by any other electronic means, whether paid or unpaid. If you are age 18 or younger or age 65 or older, you may be entitled to reduced service fees. Please ask a Bank representative for further information, or call (508) 820-4000.