Robert P. Lamprey, chairman of the MutualOne Charitable Foundation, has announced a recent $5,000 Foundation grant to Jewish Family Service (JFS) of Metrowest in support of a program that helps frail elders in Framingham and Natick with their medical needs.
The Patient Navigator/Enhanced Medical Escort Program provides volunteers who facilitate and accompany elders to doctor appointments and medical procedures. Navigators also provide a summary of each appointment for family caregivers, and facilitate access to other needed resources and services.
According to Lino Covarrubias, JFS chief of operations, to date the program has enrolled 336 frail elders and provided enhanced medical escort services for more than 1,050 appointments.
“This is a valuable service for the older adults of our community,” said Lamprey. “The MutualOne Charitable Foundation is pleased to contribute to its continued success in meeting the medical needs of our seniors.”