Mark R. Haranas, president and CEO of MutualOne Bank and chairman of the MutualOne Charitable Foundation, announced today that Family Promise Metrowest has been awarded the Foundation’s annual $20,000 Robert P. Lamprey Community Grant.
Family Promise Metrowest serves families experiencing homelessness or threatened with imminent eviction or shelter entry. The MutualOne award provides funding for new small group classes in financial education, good tenancy, and well-being and resilience skills, according to Family Promise Metrowest Executive Director Sue Crossley.
“Family Promise Metrowest continues to identify skills that will help families move out of poverty into stable, sustainable homes,” said Haranas. “We are pleased to help with this grant, named in honor of Bob Lamprey.”
The annual Robert Lamprey Community Grant was established in 2014 to honor Robert “Bob” Lamprey, former chairman of the board of MutualOne Bank and of the MutualOne Charitable Foundation, for his longstanding commitment, concern, and caring for those in need in our community.
The annual Lamprey Grant is restricted to a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization focused primarily on the towns of Framingham and/or Natick and must benefit a low-income or less-advantaged and/or under-served population.